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Arriva Seniors App

Rate our discretionary services and help us improve your experience


Your opinion is always important

This questionnaire aims to find out the degree of satisfaction of our customers to whom we provide services to improve our daily management.

We appreciate in advance your opinions and suggestions for our continuous improvement.

The rating will be made according to the following scale from 1 to 10. 


The rating ranges from 1 to 10
The rating ranges from 1 to 10
The rating ranges from 1 to 10
The rating ranges from 1 to 10
The rating ranges from 1 to 10
The rating ranges from 1 to 10
The rating ranges from 1 to 10
The rating ranges from 1 to 10
The rating ranges from 1 to 10

Statistical data

Obligatory field
Obligatory field
Obligatory field
Obligatory field
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