Nueva medida
Continuous improvement is essential to offer you a quality mobility service. Therefore, we will be happy to hear your suggestions and/or complaints to improve your experience with Arriva.
Arriva, connecting people
Complaint and Claims Handling Policy
August 2024
1 Introduction
To develop our complaints and claims management service as effectively as possible, Arriva Madrid informs its users and other interested parties in this document about the process for handling their complaints or claims. This process includes all activities related to the provision of regular road passenger services that we provide in the Community of Madrid.
2 Customer Service
Arriva Madrid has a Customer Service to ensure that the resolution of submitted complaints and claims is carried out easily, quickly, and effectively.
We offer different means of contact to provide information, resolve queries, handle complaints, claims, and/or suggestions, provide receipts, and handle inquiries about lost property from our users.
Customer service staff will always provide proper treatment to the user to resolve their complaint or claim as quickly as possible.
3 Submission of complaints, claims, and suggestions
3.1 Deadlines and submission
We offer different ways for our users to submit a complaint, claim, or suggestion:
All complaints, claims, and suggestions are registered, analyzed, processed, and responded to within less than 20 working days.
3.2 Handling, closure, and notification
Once a complaint, claim, or suggestion is received, information is requested from the various departments involved for a response.
Once the complaint or claim is analyzed and the causes investigated, requesting information from the staff involved in the incident if necessary, a response will be provided preferably by email, unless such information is unavailable.
Once the claim has been answered, and unless the user contacts the Customer Service department again, the claims process will be considered closed.
3.3 Commitment to continuous improvement
The Management of Arriva Madrid ensures the continuous improvement of the services provided, including the complaint and claims handling process by providing the necessary resources, including training of the personnel involved and the approval of this policy. It also commits to continuously reviewing and improving its complaint and claims handling process to adapt to the changing needs of users and best industry practices.
The Management of Arriva Madrid will periodically review the results and effectiveness of the complaints management process to identify opportunities for improvement and ensure customer satisfaction.
3.4 Responsibility
All staff are responsible for complying with this policy and actively participating in the continuous improvement of the complaints handling process.
3.5 Communication and transparency
This policy will be communicated to all Arriva Madrid staff and will be available to all users and interested parties through our usual communication channels.
For more information on the Quality commitments of the services provided by Arriva Madrid, you can consult our Service Charter located on our website at