Obras de soterramiento en la A5
Consulta el funcionamiento de las líneas de Arriva.
Obras de soterramiento en la A5
Consulta el funcionamiento de las líneas de Arriva.
Arrivas Corporate Social Responsibility strategy is based on people and their mobility.
At Arriva, we are determined to contribute to good economic development and social welfare, which is why we promote local, solidarity, sports or awareness initiatives, because we are committed to improving the environments in which we operate every day.
At Arriva, we are very aware of our responsibilities to the environment and to future generations. As a public transport provider, protecting the environment is already part of what we do. Public transport services have a key role to play in meeting environmental challenges, which will grow in importance in a world of population growth and urbanisation. For this reason, our involvement must also be greater and greater, to provide solutions to these challenges.
Our commitment is to contribute to the promotion of the use of collective transport to reduce the impacts of peoples movements. At the same time, we are implementing new systems at our operations to minimize our own company-wide environmental impacts. We call this our Destination Green trip.
We are convinced that public transport is good for the environment as it reduces global carbon dioxide emissions, congestion and air pollution.
Such is our commitment to the environment that the Arriva group has Quality, Environment and Quality management systems for passenger transport in accordance with international standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and UNE 13816:2003.